Creating shoes is no easy task, from finding a form that works and making a creation that someone can actually walk in takes skill, time and an artist’s love. The primary parts of a shoe are the Sole (bottom) consisting of the In-Sole (interior bottom), Out-Sole (very bottom that touches the ground), Mid-Sole (the part in between the others) and the Heel which is obviously the back part of the Sole and then of course the Upper or Vamp (the upper part of the shoe that encases the foot). This may seem simple and obvious, but each part and layer of those parts is very imperative to making an actual usable shoe.
The average woman owns 20 pairs of shoes at a single time, many own much more than that…and many many more than that. It is the original 8th ‘Deadly Sin’ to toss aside a good pair of shoes. The sad part about this stated fact, is that around half of those shoes that women own, never make it onto their feet after purchase! What’s that, never worn? Yes, most women wait for just the right occasion to wear that special shoe and those little works of art never make it off the closest floor.
Well, it seems feasible that shoe should make the occasion, not be ruled by it. “Power to the SHOES” we say! So get up, and get those works of art on your feet and hit the town, or just pick up a cup of java…whatever the occasion and whatever the reason…get walking! To help you on your road to becoming a Shoe Aficionado we’ve included a standard list here with a picture to ‘boot’ get it…to BOOT…sorry, that really couldn’t be helped! Look for our next article coming soon to discuss the different types of HEELS!
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