Tuesday, December 30, 2014

High Heels | Types and Style

We all know women love shoes, but not all shoes are created equal, especially when we are talking about HEELS!  There are so many types of Heels out there, and along with all the types of shoes, being familiar with heels is like being a subject matter expert on a certain type of wine grape!
What are high heels?  In the ‘Fashion Industry’ when discussing apparel, “high heels” covers heels from 2 to 5 inches. Extremely high-heeled shoes exceeding 6 inches are no longer considered apparel but rather something akin to “jewelry for the feet”.  Since we feel that all jewelry including ‘jewelry of the feet’ are works of art, we don’t take likely to that.  Instead we like to think along the lines of what major designers go with, a “low heel” is considered less than 2.5 inches and heels between 2.5 and 3.5 inches are considered “mid heels”, and anything over that is considered a “high heel” and that we can live with!
So what are the various types of heels around, well the basic types are as follows:
  • cone: a round heel that is broad where it meets the sole of the shoe and noticeably narrower at the point of contact with the ground
  • kitten: a short, slim heel with maximum height under 2 inches and diameter of no more than 0.4 inch at the point of contact with the ground
  • prism: three flat sides that form a triangle at the point of contact with the ground
  • puppy: thick square block heel approximately 2 inches in diameter and height
  • spool or louis: broad where it meets the sole and at the point of contact with the ground; noticeably narrower at the midpoint between the two
  • stiletto: a tall, slim heel with minimum height of 2 inches and diameter of no more than 0.4 inch at the point of contact with the ground
  • wedge: occupies the entire space under the arch and heel portions of the foot
And you can see our handy dandy chart at the bottom for a little more insight!  So how did these heels come about you ask?  Well, they like many things were originally made for men.  WHAT? MADE FOR MEN? MEN USED TO WEAR HEELS???

Yes that’s it in a nutshell, the origin of heels can be traced back to the 9th Century when Men wore heels as a sort of foot stop while riding horses.  It assisted them to not loose their footing while riding and made standing up to shoot arrows from their bows easier and make them more stable.  Of course we aren't talking about ‘jewelry for the feet’ here, something more along the lines of modern day ‘Cowboy Boots’ with a little more length to them.  Well, now that you know where it all started, check out this chart to begin a quest to know just how many different styles of heels there are and how lucky we are for horses and bow and arrows!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Women's Shoes | Understanding Style and Types

Knowing different types of shoes has become more in depth than being a wine connoisseur.  Now with Heelless Heels, Flip Flips (not Flops) and other such delightful named foot coverings the sky is the limit with specifying them all.  Of course nothing screams ‘I am a fan of fashion‘ more than shoes.  A lady’s Kryptonite when it comes to shopping, no one in their right mind can pass up a good deal on a pair of marvelous shoes!  Flats, heels, boots, wedges, sandals, jellies, platform, open toe, closed toe, lace up, string across, buckled, studded, spiked it doesn't really matter!  A beautiful shoe is…well…it’s a work of art that allows the wearer to express themselves to their very core!
Creating shoes is no easy task, from finding a form that works and making a creation that someone can actually walk in takes skill, time and an artist’s love.  The primary parts of a shoe are the Sole (bottom) consisting of the In-Sole (interior bottom), Out-Sole (very bottom that touches the ground), Mid-Sole (the part in between the others) and the Heel which is obviously the back part of the Sole and then of course the Upper or Vamp (the upper part of the shoe that encases the foot).  This may seem simple and obvious, but each part and layer of those parts is very imperative to making an actual usable shoe.
The average woman owns 20 pairs of shoes at a single time, many own much more than that…and many many more than that.  It is the original 8th ‘Deadly Sin’ to toss aside a good pair of shoes.  The sad part about this stated fact, is that around half of those shoes that women own, never make it onto their feet after purchase!  What’s that, never worn? Yes, most women wait for just the right occasion to wear that special shoe and those little works of art never make it off the closest floor.

Well, it seems feasible that shoe should make the occasion, not be ruled by it.  “Power to the SHOES” we say!  So get up, and get those works of art on your feet and hit the town, or just pick up a cup of java…whatever the occasion and whatever the reason…get walking!  To help you on your road to becoming a Shoe Aficionado we’ve included a standard list here with a picture to ‘boot’ get it…to BOOT…sorry, that really couldn’t be helped!  Look for our next article coming soon to discuss the different types of HEELS!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Shorts in Winter | 2014 - 2015

Following last years admiration of daring individuals who wear shorts in the cold, shorts in winter is even hotter this season.  This winter fashion was formed around large heavy coats, and lots of fur! Faux or otherwise!  The heavy and heating adornments have made winter shorts another huge celebrity this year, and more importantly, Shorts in Winter!
Shorts in winter, winter shorts, what’s the difference you ask???
We’re not just talking about the standard thick weather fall type short made from wool and other thick materials, or the standard jeans, black tights and boots.  Everything from high waist denim to what can only be described as silk sport shorts, shorts are hot this season!  So Shorts in Winter it is!
So what’s the best way to wear these little articles of clothing without freezing our der·ri·ère off?  The simplest solution is to adorn them with tights or leggings, and with so many different style and types available these days (tights and leggings), there’s tons of ways to make a sophisticated and unique look.  As aforementioned, the classic black tights matched with denim ‘cutoffs’ or other jean shorts paired with knee high or even ankle boots is always classic.
This year on the runways we saw lots of ‘bare’ legs however, to achieve this look make sure you’re paired with a heavy overcoat or a thick knit scarf that you can lay across yourself if needed should you dare to go bare!  As with any outfit in fashion, of course you must dress for the occasion.  Meeting friends for a cup of java sitting at an outdoor venue on cold metallic bistro chairs, well that obviously wouldn’t be the best time to show off legs and your ‘no fear of cold’ brave heart attitude.
An important thing to remember, is that with shorts you are going to be wearing a thicker heavier top layer in cold weather.  If you are more shapely in the hips it’s a good idea to consider not so short shorts in order to balance the layers and accentuate your figure.  For slender and less shapely figures a hi low cut shirt with shorter shorts may be the way to go.
Something that’s being seen a lot this fall, is matching shoes and leggings!  Burgundy tights with burgundy boots, naked pantyhose with nude tone heels and of course classic black on black.
Red being the color of the season and plaid being a hot topic, we like lumberjack shorts paired with any various leggings and a stylish work boot.  Fur being ‘in’, animal print shorts may also be a good choice if you can find the right top piece to go along with it.  Even with a more flamboyant short you can easily accentuate with a simple black sweater.
If you are going for warmth, a good idea to consider is a more high waist design with a tucked in shirt, this gives great opportunity for a large exotic belt or other mid waist adornment!  Matching leather belts and gloves are hot, or knit mittens with matching scarf!  Winter is fun for fashion, and shorts are here to stay through the season.  The great thing this year is it is not just about ‘winter’ shorts, its about shorts in winter, which means you can carry these pieces right on through the seasons!  The thing to remember is that shorts in winter are fun, so enjoy mixing and matching and be on the look out for great deals from Summer sales, why not take advantage of the opportunity!  Remember, it’s shorts in Winter…not Winter Shorts!
Enjoy your shorts this winter and don’t wear out your jeans!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Over the Top Fashion Shows

What’s the deal with these crazy fashion shows?  I mean they are amazing to watch and ‘o so much fun’ but who can wear that stuff in reality?
Well, those types of shows are based around Haute Couture, and the intent is to set the tone for the fashion lines for the season.  The normal shows that display what goes on the shelves at retail stores and on the internet are showing Pret a Porter designs, or ready to wear.  For a full understanding of the two check our related article Haute Couture vs. Pret a Porter which expresses in detail these two styles.
What’s more fun, going to a car show and seeing the new four door sedan that’s out or the flying concept car?  Well, perhaps neither, but that’s the best analogy we can give.  Of course in the Fashion Industry it is important re-sellers and buyers to see normal pieces that they will order and eventually hand over to their customers.
So what is the point of these Over the Top or even Way Over the Top Fashion Shows?  Well for one, they are sooooo much fun!  The general point is to show what the designer or design house has in store in for the season or year.   It allows them to create works of art that will be displayed and reflected in their ready to wear pieces.  It also gives them an opportunity to showcase their vision and perhaps a few pieces that they know someone may actually pick up on!
In general, these shows set the ‘tone’ for the season and retailers watch them to understand what to expect for the Pret a Port designs to come.  Everything from style of clothing to what color will be hot is expressed through these artistic events.  As well, you must keep in mind that most of the large designers and design houses make small profits from their actual clothing, most income for these giants comes from fragrances, accessories and alternate items (think airplane interiors and the such, we’re not kidding check into it…)
So in short is anyone actually expected to wear any of these flamboyant outfits, no they aren’t, aside from very very special occasions such as runway shows!  In which pieces are even altered last second to models form if needed!  But they do set the theme, under and over tones for the season.  And aside from being a venue to showcase the sheer artistic talent of the designers, did we mention they are sooooo much fun????

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Haute Couture vs. Pret a Porter

Haute Couture and Pret a Porter, what’s the difference?  By definition Haute Couture means High Fashion and Pret a Porter means ready to wear.  So, again, what’s the difference?
Well, in the Fashion Industry in general Haute Couture is meant to be a concept of what’s to come, specifically from a designer.  In much the way that the auto industry makes concept cars and the housing market makes model homes.  In general the end product is very different and low key in comparison the concept.  Haute Couture generally involves the best designers and creators in the industry and to create a single piece takes several persons working together at long extended periods of time from design to completion, and they are generally made by hand to boot!  These items are crafted to show case the vision for the season from the designer and to express themes and colors.
Haute Couture in concerns to runway shows is generally very flamboyant and extravagant, and generally would not be possible to wear for normal folks.  I mean could you imagine someone actually walking through time square with real chain mail as leggings and peacock feathers sticking from their over sized hat?  Wait, don’t answer that right now!  Now don’t get us wrong, that doesn’t mean people don’t wear Haute Couture aside from just on the runway.  There are plenty of celebrities and persons of interest that do wear Haute Couture,  but general for Red Capet events.  As well, if someone has a piece especially designed and crafted for them, in general it may be considered Haute Couture.
In reference to Haute Couture made to suit so to speak, the designer may work for months on a single piece, it is made to fit the specific wearer and may take up to 5 or more seamstress and sewers to create.  Think lots of glitz and glamour and hand adjustments. An gown can cost more than 50,000 dollars and a tailored suit not less than 20,000 dollars (yes USD).  In general most of the clients are celebrities or royal family members.  Most celebrities and royalty negotiate with designers to ‘barter’ brand recognition for these pieces.  It is estimated that at any given time on the planet there are less than 500 people alive that actually do or can pay for select Haute Couture individual pieces.
So, if you have a hand sewn wedding dress made and it takes six months, has Swarovski stones and elements on it and there were ten seamstresses working around the clock on to make it specifically to your body, does that mean you have a Haute Couture piece?  Sorry, NO it doesn’t!
Not every fashion designer can produce a couture collection. Designers must receive a special permission from the Syndical Chamber for Haute Couture based in Paris. According to the agreement, designers have to show their collections two times a year with no less than 35 outfits in one collection.  Being a member of this elite group of designers of course has it’s benefits, such as being the most desirable on the planet!
Pret a Porter consists of what is actually going onto the shelves at retail locations in general.  There are several shows that consist of Pret a Porter designs as well, but to be honest, who wants to watch that.  I mean do you want to watch the show with the cotton stockings and denim shirts or the flamings hairbands and 10 inch stilettos?  Of course for the buyers and retailers of the world, the more particle are the Pret a Porter shows, so they know what they want to buy and put in their stores.
In general, but of course not always, the Haute Couture sets the tone for what the Pret a Porter shows will reflect and the wearable designs will be.  Most Houte Couture Designers also produce Pret a Porter lines as well.
(P.S. just a side note, Juicy Couture and other Pret a Porter designers that throw Couture into their names are not really Couture Designers!  But the word Couture makes it sound so cool!)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fashioween or Hallowfashion | Halloween and Fashion

What a better occasion than Halloween to get into our closets and find that oh so right ensemble to celebrate the coming of winter!  Halloween is such an exciting holiday when all the colors of fall are at their best and all those Autumn smells are coming into the air.

Childhood memories come swooping back at the smell of leave piles, pumpkin spices and hot apple everything.

Most of us by now have gone through our closets and attics or other storage spaces and started shifting our clothes around for the changing of seasons.  Why not use Halloween as a reason to re-confess our love for that special pair of heels or that shirt or dress that we loved in the store but have never been brave enough to wear!?!   In one of our previous articles we wrote about how the average women has over / around 20 pairs of shoes in her closet (or a few hundred in our case) and over half never make it out of the closet (check out that article here: Ladies Shoes) sooooo...why not celebrate those shoes, release that dress and get your Fashioween on!

It's easy to be intimidated by Halloween Parties and the thought of having to dress in costume.  We think, why not dress up...DRESS UP...not costume out.  Get out those heels, pull on that dress and accent it with a pair of skull earrings and a feathered face mask.  Or better yet...call your own Halloween Party a Masquerade Ball instead.  What better way to class up the night and enjoy your wardrobe!  Go all out and do some scary black finger nails or have pumpkins or skulls painted on (hint: press on nails or nail stickers are an easy fun idea for this - it's just for an evening!)...And if accenting some ghoul is just necessary for you, go for it.  A little face paint can add just the right amount of flair that's needed.

Enjoy this Halloween in style and dust off those hidden treasures in your closet!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Red is The Color for Fall 2014

Whether you attended the runways in New York City, Milan, Paris or Tokyo this year for Autumn Fashion, one thing rang true everywhere…RED is the color this season! From Raspberry to Blood and Burgundy to Cinnamon, Red was the celebrity everyone was chasing!
Red expresses so many things all at once and even conflicts itself sending an overly enigmatic vibe onto the viewer – colors are like music that way.  Think of red roses compared to red sports cars, or a red warning sign next to sweet red apples and the different images and feelings each evokes.  Perhaps no other color can persuade such feeling, passion and underlying meaning as this luscious, sweet and loving one!
Red has always been associated with the Fall and Winter Season and you will see it inculcated into everything from the ghastly costumes of Halloween to the stripes on candy canes and of course everywhere in nature – changing leaves and holly berries!
The thing to remember with Red, as with any color, certain shades only go well with certain skin tones.  Generally with red a good rule to use is, if you can wear it on your lips you can wear it everywhere!
Fair complexions can range from Cherry and Cranberry to Wine color. Medium complexions do well with Orange-Reds bordering Tangerine and crossing the barrier to a Black Berry color (dare we say Fuchsia).  Darker complexions reflect best with Maroon, Raspberry and deeper Tangerines.
Be prepared this Fall to be bombarded with reds, and thanks to Plaid being so hot this year, plan to see a lot of lumber-jack style red and black shirts knot tied and paired with jeans or black leggings and boots this winter!  Remember you can easily accentuate any plain outfit by sprucing it with color accessories, so stay on the look out for fashionable red plaid scarfs and fun bandannas that can tie the hair back or even be wrapped around the waist or ruffed out of a front or back pocket!